Non Surgical & Non Invasive
Body Sculpting

Is the most evolved fat reduction treatment currently available. Lipo-cavitation is a safe and highly effective treatment designed to reduce localized fat. Its results have been described as ‘simply amazing’ with almost all users seeing a noticeable difference in their first treatment.
It dissolves cellulite, as well as disassembles fat, and helps waste discharge out of the body with remarkable results that can be compared to liposuction surgery.
Reduction of cellulite
Reduction of stretch marks
Change in body shape
Non-invasive or non-surgical, no downtime
Suitable for all skin types
Thighs and Inner Thighs
Lower back and sides (love handles)
Top of arms
Can be used over any area but for best results a single area should be focused on. For best results 6-12 treatments are recommended (1-2 sessions per week) leaving a minimum of 72 hours between treatments.
How soon will I see the results?
You can expect to see results immediately with maximum results within 72 hours after your visit.
How long is each treatment?
30-60 minutes depending on the treatment area to be covered and the amount of work that needs to be done.
Is it comfortable?
There is a high-pitched ringing in the ears during the ultrasound and then a warming feeling when the radio frequency is in action, so it is certainly not uncomfortable.
How long do results last?
Results are long-term provided you follow our pre and post-treatment advice.
Pregnancy, Liver disease, Heart conditions, Thrombosis, Epilepsy, Diabetes, Cancer, Pacemaker, High/Low blood pressure, Bruising in the area, Vascular veins & any surgery in the area to be treated.
*Ultrasonic cavitation is meant to target small areas of fat and help contour your body. It isn't a treatment for people who are trying to lose a lot of weight.